Saturday, June 15, 2024

Chicago, Lake Powell, Girls Camp

Darren's work had their yearly leadership conference.  This year it was in Chicago.   It was fun to dress up and have Darren all to myself.  I enjoyed the alone time.  Also some time with Kathy since we went to a museum together.  Then our flight got cancelled so we got to spend an extra night in Chicago.  We made the most of it with friends.  Dinner at a famous Chicago style pizzeria.  A Broadway show then walking around downtown to find an icecream place open.  

The art museum was fun.  No kids.  No agenda.  I wish I could have seen more.  

Tyler spent the week in Lake Powell with the TOSH boys.  I love that he gets to experience so many fun things.  Abby was happy to have him finally come home.  He seems to fall asleep often while looking at his phone.  

Ella went to Girls Camp while we were away.  Raftin down the Green River in Moab.  Lots of good connections there.  Abby hung out with the Dowlands.  Always grateful for their friendship.  


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