Sunday, June 23, 2024

Iceland Golden Circle to Interior

 Golden Circle to Interior

***Kerid crater- old volcano, colorful turquoise water. Hike around the top and bottom. Pay for parking. ALLTRAILS 1 mile, 141 elevation, 25 minutes. Beautiful.  Had breakfast in the van. Oatmeal and wasa crackers with cream cheese and jam. I would have loved to go swim in the crater.  It’s super super deep. 

***Faxi /Faxafoss Waterfall short walk down to falls. Pay for parking.  Not many tourists.  Got sprayed by the falls.  It was so wide. 

**Strokkur Geysir- geysers that shoot up hot water very high . 5-10 minute wait. ALLTRAILS 1.4 miles, 334 elevation, 45 min RT. Very touristy.  Beautiful hike around.  We had a yummy lunch of grilled cheese sandwiches and soup with avocado toast.

*****Gullfoss-“golden waterfall” - the highlight of Golden Circle. ALLTRAILS 1.1 miles, 104 elevation, 30 minutes RT wow. Beautiful.  A rainbow is often above the falls.  I loved that you could go up high and see an aerial view, but also down low right next to the waterfall and come back wet.

A beautiful campground with warm showers felt great. For dinner we had mashed potatoes that you could scoop up with some fresh peppers. We have hot cocoa at every mill. Also, some warm chili. Finally getting to bed at 11:00 PM so that we can wake up early for our 10 AM secret lagoon reservation.

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