Friday, May 31, 2024

May 2024

 May we had some baby birds in a nest on the back of our wreath that hangs on our front door.  They hatched and hopefully some of them made it.  I love it when Darren can come home from work and relax.  Abby has been playing basketball at school so a little extra practice with dad is great.  

A fifth-grade highlight is Biztown.  Abby was the CEO of Wells Fargo and ran it like a boss.  It's fun to see these kids get so into it.  Shes all grown up for sure.  Also looking very grown up with her hair cut.  

I did love what Abigail's friend Eliza said in the end of school year book.  I would love Abby to love the outdoors like me.  In 30 years, I think you... will be like your mom.  haha!  I think you will be very kind. Love you, Eliza

This has been Tyler every second he gets in May.  He sure didn't get much sleep this month. 
Abby and Sadie hiked the stitches with me.  34 total stitches.  What a steep hike.  Ella and Darren did the Corner Canyon P2P with the Maybird team.  

Sundays with Nolan are always fun.  Cousin time is great.  And adding in Sandra and her kids makes for more players when we play steal sticks.  
This was a happy sad moment for me.  Tyler has loved Lindsey Lee Pope.  What an incredible person to influence my son and his love for music.  Abby's first recital and Tyler's last.  They played a duet together.  Also having Miles, Asher, and Soren also taking from the Piano Place makes it special.  

Bike rides to get a slurpee.  Abby is going to be so strong like her sister.  

And ... to finish out May.  Abby getting the Great American Award.  Graduating 5th grade.  Hanging out with friends.  Last day of riding the bus to school.  And... always being creative.  Maybe she will design clothes one day.  

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