Sunday, November 29, 2009

Were getting better!

Saturday we put up the Christmas tree, lights, decor, and doctor visits.
Ella was done by 5:30. She was in bed asleep by 6:30. She just woke up, 13.5 hours later. Her Croup seems to be doing better. Darren got Croup as a kid, Tyler got it, at 20 months we had hoped Ella had passed it up. But Friday with that Darth Vader breathing we were doomed!

Tyler, he went to bed at 7. Now 13.5 hours later, he is still asleep. I love having kids sleep and get better.

I made Argentine Estafado today for friends here from Denver. Thanks Neti for teaching me some good recipes!

Heres to a good day with not so much medicine.


PamNoyes said...

Aaah croup. Lee is having fun with that right now too! I am glad it didn't last too long for ya! Yeah for Christmas!!

Whitney B. Balls said...

I hope it is a better day as well and the rest of the days this week.

Lindsay said...

We had sick kids leading up to Thanksgiving too...but thankfully they were mostly better for our trip to Utah. Croup is no fun, and having sick kids is sad. I'm glad you all are doing better!