Friday, January 29, 2010

Macey's receipt

This is a game- see if you can guess---

This morning I bought
3 bottles of gatorade
1 box of salty crackers
1 box of jello
1 snickers bar (for me)

and since I was there 2 gallons of milk

30 minutes later I cleaned up
- strawberry jello
- curdled milk
- clear gatorade

any guesses!

and no I am not pregnant! (but I am going to take a nap- to many long nights!)


Joni said...

I have no guesses but I am dying to hear.

soybeanlover said...

Sounds like this week at our house. How many people have it there?

Tina said...

All of us were throwing up a couple weeks ago. Almost everyone I talk to has had the stomach flu lately. I hope you guys get feeling better.

PamNoyes said...

It has been going around. Sorry you guys got it too! Makes you think twice about what color of Gatorade you buy huh?