Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Farewell to Elder Balls

 The night before Tyler headed out to the MTC, friends and family, dropped by to give him one last hug.  In just one week of Home MTC, he has changed and seems more of man.  We loved having him all ourselves the whole week.  Family dinners, Sushi, Charlie's Chicken, and ice cream.   

 The girls went to school for a few periods. Tyler stayed home and finished packing up all his stuff.  We drove to Orem to eat at TruReligion.  Tyler would have enjoyed it more if he wasn't going to the MTC right after.  We stopped at a park and played Lava Monster one last time as a family.  We pulled into the MTC and had time for a few pictures in the shade, then hugged goodbye.  It was a quiet drive back to Draper.  Coming home, they all went to Tyler's room to lay on his bed and fell asleep.  

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