Saturday, August 31, 2024

August 2024

 August was a busy month for us.  So in between all the big events we had a fun smaller events.  Abby went to Cowabunga Bay with friends.  She is a smart-thinking girl.  She is figuring out what friends help her to feel and be a good person.  We also went on a fun hike with cousins and good friends.  The Minnicks were in town and so many memories there! Gloria Falls was fantastic.  I didn't realize we weren't supposed to be in the water.  

Tyler split his chin open playing volleyball with friends.  A long visit to the ER got him fixed up.  
Tyler, Darren, and Ella got to go to Youth Conference at Deer Creek.  I am excited for Abby to start Young Womens.  She is ready.  Darren is doing ride leading and loves to be with the girls who ride with Ella.  What a fun group to be with.  Unfortenatly after one of those rides Darren came down our driveway and the neighbors pitbull attacked him.  

Another one of Tyler's adventures he wanted to do was the West Slabs of Olympus.  It was fun to have Ella, Isaac, and Tyler there.  So proud of them for being comfortable enough to do the 10 pitches solo with no ropes.  

Abby starting middle school.  Trying to work on her locker combo.  If only she could be a little taller.  Thankfully the office gave us a lower locker.  Tyler loves to cook.  I make a simple pizza and then he makes it mucho amazing.  Abby also got a new bike.  Its lighter and she can climb great!  We also went and looked at some cute puppies.  I dont think its right for us.  But they were so cute and small.  

Then with kids back in school, I got some bottling down.  Salsa and tomatoes so far.  Then celebrating Katies bday with yard work and lunch.  

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