Sunday, May 5, 2024

Capital Reef Biking Tour- Jones and Co

 For Ang's birthday, we wanted to do something fun but something that her bummed ankle could handle.  A 60-mile bike tour in Cathedral Valley was just the thing.   We outfitted our bikes which was half the fun with colorful duct tape and cut up tarps.  Everything was in place except for the weather.  Rain and wind were on the forecast and that makes biking tricky.    We had to alter our plans last minute and one of us had to drive the truck along the route.  We switched off every 10 miles.  We ended up doing about 25 miles and then gave up because the wind was just too intense.  We had planned to camp out on the loop but opted to try to find a hotel instead.  We had a big yummy dinner and tried to find a reasonably priced hotel.  We gave up on that idea too and found a free camping spot off the road.  

The next day we had a lovely breakfast and headed out on two hikes.  We explored the Grand Wash from one direction then drove around to Cassidy Arch.  One day I will have to go back and do that canyoneering route.  We were grateful to not be biking in the rain and wind.  The time together is priceless.  

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