Monday, April 13, 2009


Ella is allergic to Amoxicillin which she has been taking for an ear infection

She has never complained or been bothered by it- It started Sunday and these pictures are of Monday morning. She looks lots less puffy and red this evening (Monday Evening)


k8theriver said...

wow. i guess that qualifies as an allergic reaction.

.::still blinking::. said...

That stinks! I hope she feels better soon.

BH said...

That doesn't look fun at all!

soybeanlover said...

Oy, yucky. I know how that feels...poor kid.

Tina said...

When I was a kid we found out that I was allergic to pennicillin. I got all swollen and couldn't move any of my joints. I wonder if it runs in our family somehow.

Anyway I hope it gets better soon! She is such a doll!

Lindsay said...

Wow. At least now you know! poor thing...

Kristine said...

Oh poor kid!

amelia and crew said...

Holy CRAP!!

Matt and Courtney said...

Oh least she's still cute, even with spots!

hope everything clears up soon!

The Crofts family said...

I'm sorry that she has to go through that. I hope it doesn't itch too bad for her, poor little one!

Rachael said...

I thought it was the Chicken Pox at first when I opened your blog. Now you know what she is allergric too. I am allergic to IB Pourfin and it makes me itch and brake out in rashes so I know what poor Ella is going through.

rowena said...

oh the poor sweet thing... .. what can they give her??