Sunday, August 3, 2008

Top reasons you should go to Boise Idaho on Vacation

6. You might just see a few goats trimming the baseball fields grass ( I didnt' have my camera to take a picture of this but it was a bit funny) I guess you dont have to have a lawn mower there.

5. You can attend church anywhere starting from 8, 9, 11, 1, or like we did- 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm !!!!

4. You can swim at the neighborhood pool three doors down- it is a salt water pool and you dont smell like chlorine when you are done

3. Dan and Katie will take you rafting down the Payette river - hitting a few rapids- getting thrown out in some huge rapids, not be able to see because your contacts go all blurry- hit a second set of rapids still not in your boat- getting sucked under in a cross current, scrambling to the surface to take a breath- happy to see your boat really close!

2. Camping in the Boise National Forest and playing in the natural hot springs. This was awesome- you stand on the rocks, jump into the freezing water, swim to the shore and then sit in one of the hot pools with the hot waterfall water falling on your head- Really it was cold, but well worth the jump. Toby wanted to go out and rescue everyone when they jumped in. If you look at the picture of Darren's face in the water- it is a ..."holy cow that is some really cold water" face.

1. But the best reason to go to Boise is because you can stay at the LaRiviere's brand new beautiful house- sleep in a great bed, get fed when ever you are hungry, sleep in if you want to because well, you should see all the fun toys those girls have- the play room is from heaven, and even attempt to go to the temple and Katie will babysit- (ps. the boise temple is now open as of the begining of Aug- If you try to go say in July it is closed and has lots of construction workers all over fixing all kinds of things but they will politely tell you that the temple has been closed for a while)- And all that- Free- well besides the gas- It was a free vacation-

So thanks Dan and Katie, Chloe, Stella and Fred- we had a great time!
So go to Boise- it is great fun!


k8theriver said...

first of all, gross butt shot of me. second, you guys should print off a brochure for LaRiviere/Boise travel. third, glad you guys came and enjoyed it. fourth, just realized that i had 2 shampoos and no conditioner in the bathroom for you. sorry. oh, and i forgot to pay you for the ikea stuff. let me know how much it was.

Amy said...

Sorry Katie- I didn't even think about the butt shot, but when Darren saw it he said, Katie is going to hate that shot- sorry. I actually carry conditioner with me all the time because my hair is always a mess unless I use really good stuff. and IKEA- were good, thanks for feeding us there an with good snacks all they way home!

k8theriver said...

yeah, you should replace that pic with a forward-facing one.

PamNoyes said...

I LOVE the last picture of the kids in the water! That will be a fun for the kids when they get older!