Sunday, April 7, 2024

Big Canyon and the Little Colorado

Lacey had a spot on her permit so I jumped in and got to go on a last-minute Grand Canyon adventure.  It was actually the "Big Canyon" down to the "Little Colorado".  Sadly it had just rained and stormed so the water wasn't the crystal clear blue water.  Instead, it was high and fast and muddy.   I drove down with Lindsey, Lacey's sister.  We met up with Lacey and a new girl named Amy.  so we called ourselves the LALA team.  We got an early start and headed down.  We got into our wetsuits pretty quick.  Beautiful area. Rappelling over the waterfalls was awesome.  We found the main camp spot.  We all turned din early since we knew we had an early start with a long day.   The hike out Salt Trail Canyon was long and long.  You just can't think about it.  You just have to know that every step takes you closer to the top.  It was some fun class 4/5 climbing at the top.  

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