Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Rancho La Hermosa Dec 26th

After three days of beach time it was time to head into the hills and be off the grid for a few days.  We started by cleaning up our work site.  Big piles of garbage and wood everywhere.  Mice had lovely homes made inside the piles.  We picked up garbage and nailes.  Sorting the wood into burn piles.  We could see the orphanage across the ravine but didn't get to go over there until later.  


Our task was to finish a bathroom area for all the volunteers.  Base coat, Greenish paint, orange paint, Put in windows, get water and electricity to the building, install toilets... plenty to do. 

We also worked on organizing a shed and all the garbage around it.  Drying out insulation, burning garbage, smoothing out piles of rocks, fixing wheelbarrows, 

A bonfire that night to burn trash.  Figuring out how to bend pvc pipe to fit with the toilets.  Then off to bed in our door rooms.  

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