Sunday, December 31, 2023

December 2023

 December is always a busy and fun month.  Here are a few highlights: Piano Recital with Miles, Asher, Soren and Tyler.  Fun to have lots of fun family to celebrate. I have been teaching Abby piano for a while but its time for her to start taking lessons.  

I also taught my friend Jacey and her kids, Hazel, Oliver and ________ to ski.  It was so rewarding to see them progress through out the season.  
Abby loves her tiggy and her blanket.  Tyler went into a widows house in our ward and played her some beautiful music.  

I loved my birthday. Went out to Dinner with Darren.  Had Katie and Ang and their families over.  We played games and ate good food.  I love that Katie brought me Little Caesars Crazy Bread and flower seeds.  

Abby loved her tumbling class but go to busy with ski season to keep going.  She is driven like Ella to push herself and do more tricks.  Abby enjoyed pj day at school.  

Abby acquired a mini mannequin so she could make some fun outfits.  She has said for years she wants to be a clothing designer.  
New Year's Eve movie night and toasts with chocolate milk.  

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