Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Costa Rica Day #6 Playa Hermosa

 Wednesday May 5th In the morning we headed down to Playa Ocotal to explore the town. We grabbed breakfast at a bakery and walked to the beach. Sadly as Claire was jumping in the waves her phone came out of her pocket. That was a sad morning trying to find it in the waives. The kids had fun at the grocery store finding food they would eat. More plantain chips and beans. I let Brittany stay back with kids to do homework and swim. I drove into Liberia to get Darren and Kevin from the airport. and playa cocoa , pick boys up at airport, beach. We wanted to spend the afternoon at Playa Hermosa. What a lovely beach. Everyone was starving after swimming. We enjoyed the sunset, found an outdoor place to eat and literally ate in the dark.


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