Winter 2020

Winter 2020

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 18th Earthquake 5.7

Darren and I were sleeping in on Abbys Birthday.  We were staying away from crowds already because of the Covid-19 virus.  We woke up to a loud sound and shaking.  We realized it was an earthquake and jumped out of bed.  Tyler came up the stairs.  The girls slept through it.  It was a 5.7.  There were about a 100 aftershocks but we only felt one.  It was a 4. something. Darren stayed home for the day.  We had to say that the Earth was so excited for Abbys Birthday it shook!  I was glad to read the article below that states that Utah can have a 7.0-7.5 earthquake but because we don't live by plates that can crash together we can't have a 9.0!

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