Thursday, November 4, 2010

Two things I learned

I seem to always have recipes that call for Sweetened Condensed Milk and Evaporated Milk- and I never have any on hand.

I have found two great recipes- and they are cheaper than buying the stuff

Sweetened Condensed Milk
1/2 cup hot water
1 cup non instant dry powdered milk
1 cup sugar
1 tbs butter

combine ingredients and mix in blender. use immediately or store in fridge or freezer

Evaporated milk
1.5 cups of water
.5 cups +1 Tbs dry non instant powdered milk
combine ingredients and miz will before using your recipe. Yield:1.5 cups- the equivalent of a 12 oz can


k8theriver said...

b o r i n g .
i threw out a 5 lb. bag of flour the other day because it had expired. thought of you and your amazing flour using skills.

PamNoyes said...

mwaahahah, I love Katie's comment, however, to continue the boring trend...I like to use cream instead of evaporated milk. Bad for me, but great for my super skinny family! What were you making?

k8theriver said...

dan said you probably would have made playdough or something out of the expired flour instead of throwing it out.
oh, amy, i have so much to learn from you.

Jessica said...

thanks for the great tip, I never have sweetened condensed milk when I need it