Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Week 26: Upside Down

  Week 26: 2/18/2025

Transfers yesterday! Today is my first full day in my new home. I'm serving in Tampere! It's a big city that is crazy. There is so much going on everywhere. 

The first day was filled with dinner with the Sisters in our Wardshare, Zone Leaders over for dinner/planning, some crazy street contacting, unpacking, and way too much dragging our heavy suitcases through the snow.  It is going to be a fun transfer and a big adjustment right now for sure. 

Spiritual Thought:  

For me when things change in our lives it always helps me to think of things I'm grateful for. 

This week just take a minute to think about some things you are grateful for. - Like running a 10K with a new companion and sister missionaries.

Short Version of Email: Last week in Lappeenranta. Last language night, Sähly, last lessons with our friends. Transfers. 

Finnish Word of the Week:    Koiranluu = dog bone but literally translates to  “suspension drop link”

Daylight Counter!

Where we started–4 Hours 40 minutes

This week–9 Hours 18 min 

5 Amazing Things This Week:

1: A week of many lasts but two were especially bittersweet. 

1:Our last lesson with two of our friends was amazing. They have genuinely become my friends. I got to share my testimony with them. I hope the best for them. 

2: Our last District Council. Each transfer in my District is like a family. I hope I get to serve around some of these amazing people again. 

2: On our way to a lesson this week Elder Goodrich was driving, got to a roundabout, went around the whole thing and right as he exited it he told me to get out of the car. Because the tone of his voice was so serious I promptly did as I was told - only to find an old lady sprawled out on the snow and ice. Elder Goodrich parked the car and ran over. We then proceeded to help a very old, very drunk lady on the snow and ice get back to her apartment a block away. 

3:  My lovely companion Elder Goodrich makes ties for a hobby. It is awesome. Because he is the goat he showed me how to make one! I made this tie all on my own. It even has two different colors to show that I did it! 

4:  Church on Sunday was really something. I guess the Ward really wanted to get their use of me because I accompanied the hymns, played a musical number, gave a 20 minute talk, taught a second hour lesson, and said the prayer. It was a wild day. We did it though. 

5:  We had our last language and Sähly night as well this week. They were so much fun and there was a good turn out for both of them. 

Tender Mercy of the Week:

Transfer day was crazy. My comp had 8 bags and I had 3 so together we probably were a very strange sight. I had a 7 minute layover but my first train was delayed so the layover was actually only 5 minutes. With some help from other missionaries I managed to switch tracks and get on my new train just in time. It was a miracle that nothing went wrong

Where I am/Who I'm With: I am serving in Tampere. My companion is Elder Gillespie. 

Scripture of the Week:  

Alma 34:22 Yea, cry unto him against the power of your enemies.

My thoughts:  I like how Amulek didn’t say to pray against our enemies but instead said to pray "against the power of [our] enemies." Just another example of how loving God is. 

Talk of the Week:  https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/david-a-bednar/consider-the-wondrous-works-of-god/

“Consider the Wondrous Works of God”  David A. Bednar

My Thoughts: I really love how much this talk focuses on work. We are God's greatest work and we can perform God's greatest work too. It really gives you a sense of perspective. 

Absolutely crazy this week. My world has been turned upside down. 

-Elder Balls

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