I hope you are doing amazing! Back to normal life with the mid January hangover. I think every day how lucky I am that my normal life is in Finland!
Please send me an email about your life! How is the new year for you? Hopefully it is lovely and fun.
I learned how to solve a rubix cube this week! A new life goal has been accomplished!
The Bishop started sending us motivational quotes everyday. Maybe that means he likes us, or maybe it means we need motivation, who knows.
There have been a couple sunny days this week and boy do I miss the sun. I miss feeling the warmness on my skin. I took the most heavenly nap on the train laying in the sun this week. It was incredible.
(this is a picture me and my comp took because the sun was nice lol)
Spiritual Thought:
“In Mighty Prayer”
(Enos 1:4 and Alma 8:10)
I wonder what a “Mighty Prayer” looks like…
Both times a “wrestle” with God is mentioned
What a powerful description.
“In mighty prayer”
I wonder how to make my prayers mighty?
Maybe the volume of my voice, the desire in my heart, the fervor in my tone, the tears in my eyes.
But no matter how you pray, the Lord loves effort,
I think there’s power in wrestling with the Lord “in mighty prayer” for ourselves and for others.
Don't be afraid to plead with God when you need something.
Don't be afraid to fervently thank Him for all you have.
Because even though God knows the desires of our hearts,
There is power in telling him “in mighty prayer”
Short Version of Email: AP Splits, yummy food. Good Missionary work. Fun playing floor hockey. District council.
Finnish Word of the Week: Sisu - - “Finnish Grit and determination”, but literally translates to “guts or intestines”.
Daylight Counter!
Where we started–4 Hours 40 minutes
This week–7 Hours 16 min
5 Amazing Things This Week:
1: We had splits with the AP's this week. They were short but packed full of things. We asked each of their old companions/moms what their favorite foods are and cooked them. When one AP walked into our apartment and immediately smelled his “mommas Chicken” he may have been moved to tears.
2: I made lunch at District Council this week. I made German Pancakes which meant 7xing the recipe. There were a lot of eggs.
3: We tried to go to a chocolate factory last P-day but the place was as secure as area 51. We didn't make it far.
4: We combined old language night group chats which let us get in contact with a ton of new people. It was an awesome missionary work experience.
5: Ward council on Sunday was fun. The ward said we are doing a good job and they are very supportive. I think… It was all in Finnish so who knows. But I'm super grateful for them.
Tender Mercy of the Week:
I was having a particularly bad day this week and was about to go to bed sad. But right as I finished my night prayer and just asked for help to feel better I got a call from my District Leader who I love more than anything. We talked for a while and I felt a lot better. He seriously called at the perfect time. Coincidance, maybe, but I don't think so.
Where I am/Who I'm With: I am serving in Lappeenranta. My companion is Elder Goodrich.
Scripture of the Week:
Alma 2:34
Context-Cool scripture but maybe not for the reason you’re thinking. (Also I did not discover this, it was in a book)
34 And thus he cleared the ground, or rather the bank, which was on the west of the river Sidon, throwing the bodies of the Lamanites who had been slain into the waters of Sidon, that thereby his people might have room to cross and contend with the Lamanites and the Amlicites on the west side of the river Sidon.
My thoughts:
A cool internal evidence of the Book of Mormon’s authenticity.
“In the first lines of verse 34, above, it appears that Mormon changed his mind after having engraved "thus he cleared the ground" and decided instead to engrave "the bank” For us, on a computer, this would be a simple matter of backspacing, deleting, and re-typing. However, when painstakingly engraving thin metal plates, there is no "backspac- ing." Therefore, he had to make his change or correction by engraving the word "rather," followed by his correction.”
**A couple more of these times can be found in Mosiah 7:8 Alma 24:19 Alma 35:15, Alma 43:38, Alma 50:32
Talk of the Week: Spiritual Bings by Loren Dalton
My Thoughts: Really simple and easy talk to understand but changed my whole perspective about the Holy Ghost, again. Always act on the first prompting and thought!
Have a fun week,
Elder Balls
Sushi Dinner from Parents for Xmas present
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