Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Week 4: Valmistatuattumisspaivastani (P-DAY)

 Moro Poro! (What’s up Reindeer) It does not feel like it's been a whole week since last P-Day. I never understood what all the other missionaries meant when they said they lose track of time here. Until Now. I've done literally the exact same thing for 4 weeks in a row. (28 days of no joke the same thing but it is still awesome) It's been 1 whole month of being a missionary!! Being a missionary in training is so much fun! Only 1 more month to go, of the MTC. 

This week the MTC campus reminds me of Hogwarts. Watching Harry Potter as a kid I always thought it would be cool to live at school, sleep in the dorms, and never leave. MTC really lives up to the hype. Except I’d take magically conjured food any day over the MTC food. We only leave the MTC to go to the exercise field, “Hogsmeade” in this case. I might be just rambling but thinking the MTC feels like Hogwarts just makes it cooler sooooo…

It feels like there is a fire alarm going off every morning which is a very lovely sound to wake up to. (it's really something--something I would love to never have happen again) 

We had our first full Finnish lesson (15 minutes) last Friday with a native Finn and it went about how I expected. About as good as you think, considering I know about 50 words. This week we have started learning more real Finnish. Little by little I am learning. I'd say I've graduated preschool Finnish and now on to kindergarten level, maybe. (if we are being generous)

In the words of Elder Bybee, “It's Finnish, it's not supposed to make sense”

Spiritual Thought: Our Tuesday devotional this week was Elder and Sister Ringwood of the 70. 

I’ve actually personally met them before (Shoutout Andre’s BOM Study) so my expectations were high but Elder Ringwood gave one of the greatest talks I've ever heard. 

This week I want to talk about Devotion. Elder Ringwood’s talk was called, “First Class Devotion to First Class Causes” 

He talked about the blessings we get from our mission and in life as we give “First Class Devotion” in all that we do.

I love this quote from Elder holland. He says “I cannot afford 19 month missions. The church cannot afford 19 month missions and most importantly you can't afford a 19 month mission.” I love this, we cannot afford to do something halfway, not just for others but for ourselves. 

My dad always says if you're going to do something, do it right. I always listened to him but now it has really sunk in that I need to get these next two years right.

Our district has a quote “Lock in speaking Finnish and with the Spirit, because for you it's only two years but for them it's for an eternity.

This doesn't just apply to me though. Think about all the things in life that you could accomplish if you gave “First Class Devotion” to every part of your life. 

I hope this week you think about how you can give “First Class Devotion to First Class Causes” no matter what they may be in your life. I promise you that it will be amazing what you can accomplish. What you can accomplish with the lord. 

And most importantly, I hope you give first class devotion to the person who you should and can become because there is no greater cause than self improvement. 

Dream BigBe Bold, and Be DevotedDevoted to othersDevoted to yourself and most importantly Devoted to Jesus Christ. Go forward with total faith, because I promise, 

Jesus is a god of miracles, and why couldn’t they come to you. 

Short Version of Email: 1 Month as a Missionary! The rain is Awesome. Be devoted to everything you do! Find your own conversion to the Book of Mormon. Share your testimony with someone this week. Talk to people older than you, they can have some awesome stories! 

5 Amazing Things of the Week:

1: Our whole district learned how to say our testimonies in finnish. It felt so good to finally learn something spiritual in finnish. We all got to share our testimony after we learned it and there was such a strong spirit in the room. 

It reminds me of the scripture from D&C about, “where one more of my servants is testifying there will my spirit be also”.   (someone please email me and let me know what the scripture is, I cannot find it) 

2 This week we had an MTC concert. It was very lovely. The Nashville Tribute Band came and played. I have never heard of them in my life but it was probably one of the best parts of the week. Crazy how your perspective can change.

3:  We have been trying to talk with all the senior missionaries we can this week. It has been so cool to hear about them and their stories. There are so many cool missions and responsibilities I didn’t even know about! Family history missions, military assistance missions, stake president assistant missions. It is so cool how versatile the lord's work is to fit our own needs. 

4: Saw some old friends and new friends this week. Shoutout Kennedy and Avery for serving food. Shoutout to our amazing bus driver Parker! Shoutout all the Elders in the field now which means the food lines are shorter!! HOORAY

5: It’s been raining a lot this week! I love love love the rain. And rain at the MTC is something special! It is so awesome. 

Miracle of the Week: It is crazy how at the MTC whenever we have questions they get answered every time within 3 or 4 days. I will be talking with my companion about a question we have and no joke in 1 or 2 days in some MTC devotional or class our question will literally get answered. This has happened so many times that it's honestly so crazy. I know the lord really does give us answers when we earnestly seek them. 

Where I am Right Now: Right now I am in the Provo MTC (This section is mainly for my mom and is boring until I get to Finland)

Scripture of the Week: D&C 24:12

12 And at all times, and in all places, he(you) shall open his mouth and declare my gospel as with the voice of a trump, both day and night. And I will give unto him strength such as is not known among men

My thoughts: In my gospel studies I have been making a list of scriptures that show blessings of living the gospel. There are quite a few now in my list. I found this blessing this week. It stood out to me. I know the lord will give us whatever kind of strength we need to overcome our challenges as we live his gospel. 

Talk of the Week:   God’s Compelling Witness: The Book of Mormon  

By Tad R. Callister Sunday School General President October 2017

My Thoughts: We have been talking a ton about the Book of Mormon as missionaries. The more I study it the more I realize that it is a book translated from God and not written by Joseph Smith. But I love this talk because Elder Callister talks about how secular evidence of the Book of Mormon’s truthfulness is different from a confirmation of its truthfulness from the Holy Ghost. While there may be mountains of evidence proving the authenticity of the Book of Mormon, the most important aspect is our own conversion to it and the truths it teaches. 

It’s been a good week living the dream here in the MTC. The more I’m here the more excited I am to go to finland! I hope you all are having the best week ever! I love your emails!! Please go into the mountains and send me some pictures of the leaves! I miss the mountains like crazy!

-Elder Balls

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