Wednesday, January 31, 2024

January 2024

Ella and Tyler got to do some great backcountry skiing this season.  Darren loved every minute of it. They sure had an appetite when they were done. 

Ella got a haircut by our sweet friend Emilee D.  Also -a great church activity because Catherine Horsley is an amazing YW president.  Also so good biking to start training.  
Asahel and Arva Tucker.  My Great-grandparents when I was little.  That is me in the red sweater with the frown and blond hair.  

Dropping Abby and Mia off at Five and Below.  They had full shopping carts when I came back to get them.  I want to remember how Abby sleeps with all her blankets and all of her stuffie friends.  Mia, Carmen, Seneca, and Abby make cupcakes and a card for Evelyn who busted her arm.  Abby got some "curtain bangs" which makes her look a bit more grown-up.  Abby also got to go to a fun play with school friends.  One day she might go on a few days with some of these boys!

Ella is a great artist who keeps her hands busy at school so she can try to focus on school things.  
Tyler and his SBO friends.  


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