September was one for the books. The bank books. We did a lot of projects that cost a lot of money! Here are a few highlights. Darren and Tyler get to keep riding. Hitting some good jumps. Tyler did something I will never attempt. He rode his bike from the bottom of Snowbird to the top of the tram with Darren. ... Hiking it was hard enough.... biking up it, no way! I could ride the tram up and then bike down- but I am married to Darren so that would never happen. You must bike up what your going to come down. While the boys biked the girls and I swam at the Cliff lodge pool. Glad Darrens work gave us a night away.
We have some beautiful sunsets. Utah is on fire. So many fires some students have to have indoor recess for weeks. Ella built a fairy house. Abby still fits in the towel my friend Pat made for me when Tyler and Ella were born.
We had cement poured to extend the patio outside. Its amazing how inviting it is now. Lots of sprinklers had to be moved to get ready for that.
Ella got glasses. She only has to wear them at school right now. But she tells me often how much better she can see with them. Abby ... practicing Yoga at Costco...???
Sunday stroll with the Katie LaRiviere Family. Across from La Caille. It was kind of lovely. Its changed since the last time I saw it. But we made the most of it. and since the river was low we hiked back to the car through the river bed.
Ella loves to do plays still. This one was goorey and had death in it. Another one had mean step mothers in and cut puppies.
We decided to just have the walkout patio done also. It was just a muddy mess down there so get it done. It will be beautiful and totally finished soon... like as in October. We had the Balls cousins over that same weekend and it was fun to watch the workers do some cool stuff. We got to go to a church carnival with the boys too. All 6 kids slept upstairs... which means a bit less sleep then they all needed but great cousin memories.
And last but not least. I remember doing this as a kid and Abby did it also. but the hair was so stuck that it was rough. I had to cut the comb out inch by centimeter with wire cutters to carefully get it out.