We were headed out to Minnesota to see Aunt Nellie marry Jordan so I decided to take the kids out of school early and stop in Wisconsin first. Safra and I planned to meet there at her Grandparents cottage on Lake Wubesa. Its just a dream of a place. Its my third time going there. My kids are great little helpers. I loved sharing the trip and Wisconsin with them.
Tired of snacks from flying all day (we had a grand layover! Abby rode the escalator up and down almost 100 times on our layover!) … we stopped and bought some real food and some icecream. Then got a goodnights rest at the cottage. I was happy to finally meet her son Orion. Pretty fun I have still never met her husband! I have talked to him many times, but considering they lived in Israel most of their married life I have yet to meet him!
We were pretty tired by the weeks end. Ready to head up to Minnesota for the wedding. I got a rental car and drove the short 4 hours to her place. It was a great drive since the kids slept most of the way!