My friend is helping pass some new laws for the state she lives in. They are trying to unite and strengthen the peoplehood factor (feeling a part of something larger than oneself). She has asked me to tell her how Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints do that. She is working with lots of people but specifically wonders how the "Mormon" Community does it both locally and as an international people.
So here are the two questions...
1. In your view, how does the Church strengthen LDS Peoplehood (ie unite people/communities and want to work together to support a bigger picture)
2. What makes you feel like you are a part of something larger than yourself?
Some examples might be shared family morals, helping people in need with the welfare program, going on missions, etc... Feel free to expound on ideas.
If you respond with an answer I can tell you a few more details- but am not allowed to post here on the blog as many of the interesting details as I would like to.