Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Week 5: Another Day of Sun

 Moi Moi!  This week probably went by faster than last week. I am starting to really like the MTC! Each week gets better and better. I am growing fond of this place which is crazy. Even though I am still doing the same thing every day it is super fun. I love getting the voice recordings and emails you guys send. They are the best!

MTC is really starting to feel like home. Every day we spend here we get more familiar with the campus. There are so many cool places to study. We are trying to find ways to break up the monotony of each day. 

Two other elders and I got to play a musical number for the whole MTC which was lovely.  Check out Google Photos to see it. 

Spiritual Thought:  

What do you desire most?  Take a moment to truly think about it. 

There are so many things you could desire and more importantly so many things the Lord desires for you. 

Being focused on our desires keeps us motivated and moving forward in life. The first step to anything is always knowing what you truly desire.

Alma 32:27 says “But behold, if ye will…experiment upon my words, and…no more than desire to believe, let this desire work in you, even until ye believe in a manner that ye can give place for a portion of my words.” 

I love that Jesus Christ works with our desires. He grows them and can change them through the atonement. Of coure the first step to change is desiring to change.

 If we don’t know what we desire the lord can help us with that too. All we need is a “Desire to Desire”

I heard a quote this week, “Far too often we trade the things we want most for the things we want in the moment” 

This week, think about “What desirest thou?”  Make a plan, and execute that plan. Pray for a desire to align your will with God and I promise you will be happier. I know I have. 

Short Version of Email:  Still at the MTC. I love hearing from all of you! I love it here. Remember your desires and act on them! Lots of sports! Musical Number.

5 Amazing Things of the Week:

1: Our district plays a lot of sports here and it has been fun to play other districts in kickball, soccer, volleyball and spikeball. We haven't lost yet! 

2 We fit 29 people in the elevator this week. (for context it usually only fits about 15) The elevator stopped and we thought we would be stuck but it all turned out ok! 

3:  We are going to meet some senior missionaries serving in Finland today. I am excited to see what they tell us. It will be so fun to meet them because we will serve along with them. 

4: The other Finnish missionaries have been keeping all their soda cans and stacking them up in the back of their room. The pyramid is about as tall as a person now. It got knocked down this week. :( Safe to say that we took a long time cleaning it up. 

5: During our devotional this week, Brian K Taylor of the 70 came and talked to us. It was his grandson's birthday. We sang him happy birthday. Singing happy birthday with a GIANT auditorium full of missionaries, accompanied by the organ on full volume was a highlight for sure. 

Miracle of the Week: I really needed a suit for Finland this week. (I only have 1 that fits) I wasn’t sure where I would get another one here but this kid came up to me out of the blue and offered to trade a tie for a suit. (He had no idea I needed a suit). It was such a crazy coincidence. But they say there is no such thing as coincidences in the gospel. 

Where I am Right Now: Right now I am in the Provo MTC (This section is mainly for my mom and is boring until I get to Finland)

Scripture of the Week: Alma 17:13

13 And it came to pass when they had arrived in the borders of the land of the Lamanites, that they separated themselves and departed one from another, trusting in the Lord that they should meet again at the close of their harvest; for they supposed that great was the work which they had undertaken.

My thoughts: I love this scripture. I have been thinking a lot about all my friends who I am now separated from. I love how the sons of Mosiah had faith that they would meet each other again. And they do! They have such great experiences separate from each other and that makes their reunion after that much better. 

Talk of the Week: Swallowed Up in the Joy of Christ  By Elder Brian K. Taylor of the Seventy

My Thoughts: This talk was such a good chance to think about perspective. We all have hard things in our lives and if we endure them with joy we will live happier lives. Elder Taylor shared 3 principles for becoming “Swallowed up in the Joy of Jesus Christ”

One—stronger faith comes by putting Jesus Christ first.

Two—brighter hope comes by envisioning our eternal destiny.

Three—greater power comes by focusing on joy.

This was a great talk! Nice and short if you want to listen. 

Another week has passed! Time is flying by. Each week is going by faster and faster. I am getting so excited to go to finland. Go tell your mom you love her. Moms are the best! Enjoy the fall leaves! Until next week! 

-Elder Balls

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