Saturday, July 1, 2017

Whistler BC, Canada Day 2

The bikers headed out to spend the day on the mountain.  I took my crew and we did the super cool Whistler Train Wreck hike.  We took the old trail there which was awesome.  but we weren't really sure we were on the path the whole time.  We were glad to find the new improved trail for the way home.  

You are not supposed to walk on the train track but at one point we didn't feel like we had any other choice.  I got a feeling we should get off the tracks and less then a minutes later a train came flying by.

We were almost there but had to stop by the river to look out.  It was all breath taking. 

We got to the old train and it is an official graphitti ok area.  REally beautiful.  There were trees growning on top of some of the train cars.

Then we drove into Whistler to let the hikers have a run or two on the bikes.  

After Ellas run, the girls rode the lift up to the top.  Much colder at the top!

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