Lots of service this week. Makes for a good week.
Spiritual Thought:
This week someone asked me, What did you learn about God today? And how did that change you? It's easy to identify spiritual experiences, But sometimes not to reflect on what those experiences can teach us. How did what happened today help me understand my relationship with God? As I think about that question each night, I lie in bed grateful. Because God's character is eternally the same. Eternally loving. Eternally caring. and Eternally good. Even after our spiritual experience. Although our lives change, God doesn't.
Short Version of Email: Did some service. District Pday. German pancakes at district council. Moved 2 apartments. Ate yummy food. Too many canceled lessons :(
Finnish Word of the Week: Punahilkka = Little Red Riding Hood! IE Elder Gillespie :)
Daylight Counter!
Where we started–4 Hours 40 minutes
This week–10 Hours 52 min
5 Amazing Things This Week:
1: District P day this week. I actually got to sleep in my own bed. We had fun playing basketball, and seeing the city. Went to a Finnish industrial labor museum. Built a cool house out of some blocks and ate good burgers.
2: Moved our Zone leaders' apartment for them while they were out of town. There were a lot of things to move and to clean. But we prevailed. Maybe they will thank us with dinner…
Right after we went to help a lady in our ward move out. Lots to clean as well. Lots…
3: Went to an art exhibit made by a ward member and I got to keep a painting she made. The art was really cool!
4: Met some friends this week and one of them boxes. I put on this big chest pad and let him go at me. It was fun and only slightly painful. Video is on Google photos.
5: Went to a Nepalese restaurant with the ward share. It was very yummy.
Tender Mercy of the Week:
Prayers are amazing. This week we had a day with a lot of cancelations and changed plans so it was hard to feel productive and like a good missionary. Gillespie and I said a rather long, very heartfelt prayer and both felt a lot better after. #Prayerworks
Where I am/Who I'm With: I am serving in Tampere. My companion is Elder Gillespie.
More Fun Facts about Elder Gillespie:
-Cooks the biggest pancakes I've ever seen, they are also the best I've ever eaten.
Can do a lot of pull-ups
-loves “what are the odds”, riddles, and “would you rathers”
Scripture of the Week:
Doctrine and Covenants 17:8
17 By these things we know that there is a God in Heaven, who is infinite and eternal, from everlasting to everlasting the same unchangeable God, the framer of Heaven and earth, and all things which are in them;
My thoughts: As the early saints wrote this section of D&C, they list many of the things they know and how they know they are true. What are the things we know about Jesus Christ and his Gospel, and what experiences have we had to show they are true?
Talk of the Week: https://speeches.byu.edu/
“Believing Christ: A Practical Approach to the Atonement” Stephen E. Robinson May 29, 1990
My Thoughts: A very cool talk. Everyone should listen. So many great quotes and stories.
To have faith in Jesus Christ is not only to believe that he is who he says he is, but believe him, that he can do what he says he can do.
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-Elder Balls